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Selenium 3.0 Certification Training

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Avvacado Tech Info’s Selenium Certification Training will help you master the Selenium 3.0 Suite and provide you with hands-on session on how you can automate web based applications and implement various frameworks such as Selenium Architecture, Selenium WebDriver 3.0, Waits, TestNG, Jenkins, Sikuli, AutoIT, Page Object Modeling [POM].

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Course Duration

You will undergo self-paced learning where you will get an in-depth knowledge of various concepts that will be covered in the course.

Real-life Case Studies

Towards the end of the training, you will be working on a project where you will implement the techniques learnt to visualize.


Each class has practical assignments which shall be finished before the next class and helps you to apply the concepts taught during

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Selenium is the most popular tool used to automate the testing of web applications. In this Course, you will learn about Selenium 3.0 and its various components such as Selenium IDE, Selenium WebDriver, and Selenium GRID. You learn to set up your environment so that you are ready to start using Selenium for testing your web applications. Browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, and IE are used to test the web applications. In addition, you will experience to work with Selenium IDE, Selenium WebDriver, Selenium GRID, different frameworks such as Data Driven, Keyword Driven, Hybrid and Cross browser testing.

Page Object Model (POM) is a design pattern that enables you to maintain reusability and readability of the automation scripts. This course introduces you to the concept of POM, and how to implement Page Classes and Page Factory to optimize the execution of automated scripts. In addition, you learn about various third party tools such as Jenkins, TestNG, Sikuli, and AutoIT to optimally use them for performing various tasks in our browsers such as working with flash applications or Windows-based UI elements. Finally, you get introduced to Appium, an open source mobile application UI testing framework, and UIautomatorviewer.

After the completion of ‘Selenium 3.0 Certification Training’ Course, you should be able to : 

  • Introduce Testing and its types
  • Learn about Selenium, its evolution, Regression testing and Functional testing
  • Set-up JAVA, Eclipse, and Selenium Environment and configure them
  • List the components of Selenium 3.0 such as Selenium IDE, Selenium WebDriver, and Selenium Grid
  • Create Test Cases in Selenium WebDriver
  • Discuss about waits in Selenium
  • Handle different controls on a Webpage
  • Implement TestNG
  • Describe Page Object Modelling and its purpose
  • Learn Parametrization and different frameworks such as Data-driven, Keyword-driven, and Hybrid
  • Implement some of the Third Party Tools such as Jenkins, Sikuli, and AutoIT
  • Introduction of APPIUM and UIautomatorviewer

For any project, Companies are rapidly inclining towards open source automated testing tools that will enable them to cut down the cost and effort that manual testing involves. Selenium is one such open source automated testing tool for websites. Performance, execution speed, and browser interaction of Selenium is too fast than any other automation tool. The test packages, the Modes of Selenium available for unattended execution, and the fact that the text script can be developed in any of the language that Selenium supports; makes Selenium the most desired automation testing tool. In addition, Selenium supports different operating systems along with support for different programming languages such as Python, Pearl, Ruby, PHP, .NET, C#, and Java; and various browsers, thereby making Selenium ahead of any other Automation tool.

Selenium is a new and booming Technology in Software Industry that helps you automate the testing of your applications. Professionals with basic knowledge of Object Oriented Programming can easily take up this course.

The pre-requisite for this course is basic knowledge of Core Java. We provide a complimentary course "Java Essentials for Testing With Selenium WebDriver to all the participants who enroll for Selenium course. This course helps you brush up your Java skills needed to work on Selenium. In case you come across any doubt, the 24*7 support team will promptly assist you.

Goal : In this Module, get introduced to the types of applications, the types of testing, and the purpose of automation testing. You will also gain insight into the evolution of Selenium, get an overview of Selenium 3.0 and its components, and compare 2 different automation tools. Finally, set up your environment so that you can start working with Selenium.

Objectives : Upon completing this Module, you should be able to: List the different types of Applications, list the different types of Testing, define selenium, discuss the Evolution of Selenium from Selenium 1 to Selenium 2 and then to Selenium 3, state the current version of Selenium, discuss the different components of Selenium Suite, describe Selenium IDE, describe Selenium WebDriver, describe Selenium Grid, discuss Regression Testing, discuss Functional Testing, compare Selenium and QTP, list the software required for Selenium, set up:- Java, Eclipse, Selenium IDE, Selenium WebDriver.

Topics : Define testing, understand web-application and desktop application, know the different types of testing, describe manual testing, describe automation testing, evolution of Selenium, components of Selenium Suite (Selenium IDE, Selenium WebDriver, Selenium GRID), regression testing, functional testing, QTP and Selenium, list the software required for Selenium, set up – Java, Eclipse, Selenium IDE, Selenium WebDriver

Practicals to be covered : Installing Java, configuring Eclipse for Selenium

Goal : The Selenium-IDE (Integrated Development Environment) is the tool you use to develop your Selenium test cases. It’s an easy-to-use Firefox plug-in and is generally the most efficient way to develop test cases. In this Module, you will learn about Selenium-IDE and how to create and execute a Test case.

Objectives : At the end of this Module, you should be able to: Discuss the basics of Selenium IDE, list the different Controls of Selenium IDE, describe the Record and Playback feature, create a new Test Case, execute a Test Case, explain ‘Command’, ‘Target’, and ‘Value’, explain the different Selenese Commands, tell the difference between Assert and Verify Commands

Topics : Selenium-IDE Features, different Controls of Selenium IDE, creating a Test Case, recording a Test Case, executing a Test Case, Command, Target and Value, Selenese Commands, Assert and Verify Command.

Practicals to be covered :Recording a Test Case, Executing a Test Case.

Goal : WebDriver is designed to provide a simpler, more concise programming interface in addition to addressing some limitations in the Selenium-RC API. Selenium-WebDriver was developed to better support dynamic web pages where elements of a page may change without the page itself being reloaded. In this Module, you will explore the features and use of Selenium-WebDriver.

Objectives : At the end of this Module, you should be able to: Discuss the basics of Selenium WebDriver, open the browser (Chrome), navigate to the web-application, list the Web-Elements, describe the Chrome Developer Tools, discuss various Locators.

Topics : Selenium-WebDriver, opening Chrome Browser, navigating to Web Applications, introduction to Web Elements, Chrome Developer Tool, Locators -: Locators-ID, Locators-Name, Locators-Class, Locators-Tag Name, Locators-Link Text, Locators-Partial Link Text, Locators-CssSelector, Locators-Xpath.

Practicals to be covered : Opening a Browser (Chrome), Navigating Web Applications, Handling different Locators

Goal : In this Module, you are presented with validation, and the need for maven. You will write test cases to verify title, and verify login credentials in Facebook. Learn how to handle keyboard events and dynamic web, and how to switch from simple Java project to maven project.

Objectives : At the end of this Module, you should be able to: Explain Validation, write a Test Case that verifies the title of the web page, verify the Error Message on Entering a wrong username and password on Facebook.com, Handle Keyboard Events, Handle Dynamic Web-elements , describe the need for Maven, switch from Simple Java Project to Maven Project.

Topics : Validation - Validation-Page Title, Facebook Code, Handle Keyboard Events, Handle Dynamic Web-elements, Need for Maven, Switch from Simple Java Project to Maven Project.

Practicals to be covered : Validate Title of a Web Page, Validate the Login Credentials using Facebook.

Goal :Wait is used to hold the web application for a few seconds/minutes/hours. When web applications navigate from Page A to Page B then Selenium should wait till browser loads the Page B completely otherwise you will not be able to find out the web elements in the page which results in an exception. It also provides a feature of synchronization. In this Module, you will learn about waits.

Objectives : Upon completing this Module, you should be able to: Describe waits, Discuss the various types of waits.

Topics : Types of waits - Explicit Wait, Fluent wait, Implicit Wait, PageLoadTimeout, setScriptTimeout.

Practicals to be covered : Explicit wait, Implicit wait, Fluent wait.

Goal : A web page that is embedded in another web page, or an HTML document embedded inside another HTML document is known as a “frame”. The “Iframe” is used to insert content from another source, such as an advertisement, into a Web page. In this Module, you will learn about frames and other controls on a web page.

Objectives : At the end of this Module, you should be able to: Learn about Frames and Inline Frames, Discuss Alert boxes , Discuss Modal Dialog boxes, Discuss dropdown boxes, Illustrate Mouse Hovering, Drag and Drop, Switch between windows, Explain how to test whether all links are working on the webpage or not.

Topics : IFrames using Web Driver commands (By Index, By Name or ID, By Web Element), Alerts in WebDriver (Simple Alert, Confirmation Alert, Prompt Alert), Testing Dropdown (SelectByVisibleText, SelectByIndex, SelectByValue), Methods in Window handling (GetWindowHandleCommand, GetWindowHandlesCommand, SwitchToWindowCommand)

Practicals to be covered : IFrames, Alerts, Dropdown, Window handling.

Goal : TestNG is an open source testing framework that provides more flexible and powerful tests with the help of Annotations, Grouping, Sequencing and Parametering. In TestNG HTML reports can be produced, Parallel testing can be performed, Test cases can be prioritized and data Parametrization is possible. Cross Browser Testing enables our application to work with different browsers. Learn all about TestNG in this Module.

Objectives : At the end of this Module, you should be able to: Describe the purpose of TestNG, Explain Reports, ReportNG and TestNG XSIT Report, Discuss Annotations, Execute Scripts using TestNG, Prioritize Test Cases, Discuss Cross Browser Testing, Define Browser Profiling, Illustrate the need of taking screenshots in case of test failure, Illustrate how to enable/disable a particular Test, Explain the need of executing a test multiple times.

Topics : ReportNG, HTML Report, Console Report, XML Report.

Practicals to be covered : HTML Report, Console Report, TestNG XML, Executing scripts using a Test Case, Taking screen shots in case of a Test failure, Executing a test case multiple times.

Goal : Page Object Model is a design pattern to create Object Repository for web UI Elements. Page Object model includes Page classes which finds the WebElements of that Web Page and also contains Page Methods that perform operations on those WebElements. Page Factory is an optimized way to create an Object Repository. Learn all about Page Object Modelling in this Module.

Objectives : At the end of this lesson, you should be able to: Identify the need for Page Object Modelling, Discuss Page Classes, Express the concept of Page Factory.

Practicals to be covered : Implementation of POM, Page Factory.

Goal : Framework is a basic structure of any environment whether testing or designing. Selenium offers flexibility to create a Testing Framework that can be reused. This Module enables you to learn about Testing framework, Apache POI that is an open source library to read and write excel files, and Parametrization, which is also called Data Driven Testing.

Objectives : At the end of this Module, you should be able to: Define Parametrization, Discuss how to read data from Excel sheet, Describe different types of frameworks.

Topics : Parameterization, Read data from Excel sheet, Types of Frameworks - Data Driven Framework, Keyword Driven Framework, Hybrid Framework.

Practicals to be covered : Reading an Excel File, Keyword driven framework, Data driven framework, Hybrid framework.

Goal : Learn about the third-party tools in this Module such as Jenkins, AutoIT, and Sikuli. Jenkins is the leading open-source continuous integration tool. It is cross-platform and can be used on Windows, Linux etc. It supports software changes, multiple VMs, Plugins and has easy installation. AutoIt is a freeware scripting language and it is used to automate windows GUI. Files can be downloaded and uploaded easily using this tool. Sikuli can automate everything you see on screen. It comes into play when there is no easy access to a GUIs internal or source code. It can automate both web and desktop applications.

Objectives : At the end of this Module, you should be able to: Discuss Jenkins for continuous Integrating, Analyze AutoIt for downloading and Uploading a file, Discuss Sikuli for working with Flash Applications.

Topics : Jenkins, Selenium Integration with Jenkins, AutoIT and its features, AutoIt provides support for – Keystrokes, Mouse Movement, Window Control, Sikuli and its features, How Sikuli works, Interaction with Selenium, Interaction with Flash applications.

Practicals to be covered : Jenkins, Sikuli with flash applications, AutoIT.

Goal : Get introduced to the purpose of Appium and UIautomatorviewer in this Module.

Objectives : At the end of this Module, you should be able to: Describe the purpose of APPIUM, Discuss APPIUM Design Concepts, Explain APPIUM Inspector, Discuss the first APPIUM Test Case for Android App, List the limitations using APPIUM, Discuss what is UIautomatorviewer and it’s Use, Get started with UIautomatorviewer, Discuss how to find objects in application, Identify the elements, Discuss Desired Capability.

Topics : Appium (Design Concepts, Prerequisites, Inspector, Installation, Limitations), First Appium Test Case, Limitations of Appium, What is UIautomatorviewer?, Objects in application, Desired Capability.

Practicals to be covered : Inspecting the elements using UIautomatorviewer.